Your Questions, Answered.

Do you have an urgent question that needs to be answered right away? If so, we're here to help! Here are some of the most commonly asked questions that may provide you with some insight:

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Is there an entry or annual membership fee?

Yes.  As of 01 June 2023, new applicants are required to pay a non-refundable, once-off application fee.

What is a once-off application fee?

The once off-application fee is a registration fee that is paid by new applicants who wish to join SAMRO.

How much is the application fee for first-time applicants?

Composers/Authors pay a once-fee of R100. Publishers pay a once-off fee of R500.

What does the application fee cover?

The non-refundable application fee covers the administrative costs of processing new applications.

Why is SAMRO charging a fee to register?

SAMRO has been inundated with applications for the past five years, causing delays in response times due to the high volume of emails and queries from those interested in joining the organisation. To address this issue, SAMRO has decided to implement an application fee, which will provide additional resources to effectively manage the influx of new applicants.

I have registered with SAMRO, do I have to pay an application fee?

No, the registration fee is only applicable to applicants who wish to join the organisation for the first time.

Is there an annual membership fee that existing members have to pay?

No,there is no annual membership fee that SAMRO Members have to pay. Current SAMROMembers are exempt from paying the once-off application fee.

How do I pay the once-off application fee?

You have the option to pay the application fee electronically through the SAMRO online registration platform using Instant EFTor Card Payment. Alternatively, you may choose to pay manually through FNB ATMDeposit or Direct Deposit.

When are royalties paid?

Members receive royalties every year through four main payouts: Grant of Payment, Radio and General, Television and Films, as well as Foreign Royalty distribution.
Click Here to view the distribution schedule.

How do I get my royalties paid?

SAMRO pays your royalties directly into your account via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
Please double-check that your bank details are correct to avoid problems with payments.

I’ve been paid royalties for my music, but I think the payment is wrong. Who should I contact?

The SAMRO Communication Hub is there to help you. Give them a call for a friendly chat if you think something is not right.

A song I was expecting royalties for has not been included in the distribution. What do I do?

Confirm that the date of the performances is within the period stated on the distribution statement and accompanying notes. If you are certain that there is an omission, please supply SAMRO with the title of work, name of programme, name of station, date of performance, and if possible, time of performance.

I did not receive a statement at the most recent distribution. Does this mean there are no royalties for me?

Probably, yes, but it may also mean that we have not been notified of a change of address. To update your contact details and personal information, Click Here

Do my works have to be published before I can receive royalties?

No. Works can be notified to SAMRO as manuscripts (MS) works or unpublished. Many choral and serious music works are unpublished. If these works are recorded and there is no publisher involved, you should then consider joining a society, which will look after your mechanical royalties.

What is a "Notification of Works"?

To register your music with SAMRO and start earning royalties, you must notify us of your original music by filling in a form called a Notification of Works.

How do I complete a Notification of Works form?

Notification of Work forms should be completed by the creators of the original music – the composers and authors. Please include the correct title, names of all composers and authors involved, and the type of music such as light/rock, etc, duration of the song, names or arrangers, and publisher details.

Where do I send my notification forms?

Please send your notification forms to the SAMRO Customer Service department. 
Tel:086 117 2676 or email:

Can I get a list of the works that I notified to SAMRO?

Yes, contact SAMRO’s Customer Relations Department for a printout of the works.

If the publisher has returned my works to me, do I need to supply you with any documentation to get the works updated?

Yes. We need a copy of the termination agreement or the termination date as specified in the original Deed of Assignment between the publisher and composer/author.

What happens if I have a stage name for my songwriting activities?

You can work under a stage name if you choose and you can register as many stage names as you like.

Can I still be a member if I live abroad?

Yes, we have a number of members living abroad.

Do I need to be a member of a foreign society if my music is played abroad?

No, SAMRO has international partner organisations that manage and collect royalties in their countries on behalf of our members. So you enjoy worldwide protection for your music with just one membership.

My co-writer is a non-member, what happens to his royalties?

SAMRO cannot distribute royalties to non-members. In these cases, we keep these royalties until the composer or author is granted membership. Once membership is approved, these royalties are paid in a supplementary payment that usually happens in June/July each year.

What is the duration of copyright protection for literary, musical, and artistic works?

General Rule: Copyright protectionlasts for 50 years from the end of the year of the author's death for literary, musical, and artistic works. If a work is published after the author's death, it is protected for 50 years from the date of publication.

Joint Authorship: For works created by multiple authors, copyright lasts for 50 years after the death of the last surviving author. 

When does a song or creative work enter the public domain in South Africa?

A song or an ycreative work will enter the public domain in South Africa 50 years after the death of the last surviving member of its authorship group. Therefore, if all members of a musical group have passed away, the song will become public domain 50 years after the last member's death.

How do I register my songs?

Please Click Here to register your songs.

How do I get login details for the membership portal?

In the membership portal, please click on "sign up" and "register" and follow the instructions to gain access to the portal.

What does the membership portal do?

In the membership portal, you are able to update your contact details, register new titles, view and print your statements, search and update your undocumented works, submit your live performances, submit and update your beneficiaries.

I am under 18, can I still register?

Absolutely, but you need to ask your parent or guardian to sign the forms and to submit these with a copy of their ID/Passport as well as your ID/Passport and Birth Certificate.

How can I find out when distributions will take place?

Please click here to view our distribution schedule.

What is a Music Usage Licence?

Purchasing a Music Usage Licence from SAMRO gives Music Users permission to play music publicly at their business or venue.

Who needs a music usage licence from SAMRO?

Any venue, business or person that plays background, recorded, broadcast or live music in public must get a music usage licence from SAMRO.

Why is it important to get a music usage licence for my business or venue?

It is imperative to pay for your music usage license, as it is not only a legal requirement, but it also benefits everyone involved. For businesses, it ensures that you can enjoy the positive impact that music has on the ambiance of your establishment, while also demonstrating your commitment to ethical and lawful practices.

What are SAMRO’s banking details for the payment of licence fees?

Standard Bank
Account number: 200332376
Branch code: 004805

I have a SAMRO licence, so why do I also need to pay SAMPRA (the South African Music Performance Rights Association)?

SAMRO is copyright administration business, dealing primarily with the administration of music composers’ and authors’ Performing Rights. On the other hand, SAMPRA is a collective licensing society of copyright owners of music sound recordings. Its mandate is to collect and distribute royalties to the members of the Recording Industry of South Africa (RiSA) whenever their recordings are broadcast, diffused or communicated to the public.

I pay my TV licence – do I still require a SAMRO licence?

Yes, you do. Your TV licence is for the personal use of the TV signal at home. It doesn’t cover TVs used in business like shops and restaurants. You still need a SAMRO licence to play music in public.

How do I cancel my SAMRO licence?

Please email us a cancellation letter telling us why you want to cancel your SAMRO Licence.
We’ll need to send a SAMRO inspector to check that your business is no longer using protected music.

How do I buy a SAMRO licence for a mobile disco, shop, restaurant, etc?

Please call 011 712 8000 or email Our sales consultants will provide you with the correct application form to complete.

I bought a business that has an existing SAMRO licence – how do I go about changing it to my name?

Please call 011 712 8000 or email Our sales consultants will provide you with the correct application form to complete.

Why did SAMRO upgrade its website?

We redesigned the website to improve your experience by making the site more user-friendly and easier to navigate. Additionally, we have improved the sites content, ensuring that it is accurate, relevant, and up-to-date. We have also also addressed any accessibility issues, ensuring that the website is usable for everyone including those living with disabilities.

Can I still access the old SAMRO website?

Absolutely, you can still find the old SAMRO website at
If you need assistance navigating the new website, don't hesitate to contact us.

Is SAMRO hiring?

At SAMRO, we're always on the lookout for music enthusiasts who are passionate about the power of music and want to join our dynamic team. If you're someone with a knack for business and a deep commitment to preserving and uplifting music, while also advocating for musicians' rights, then we'd love for you to take a look at our careers page.

When is the next AGM?

All AGM notices can be found on our Governance Page.

What does SAMRO actually do?

SAMRO’s primary role is to administer Performing Rights on behalf of our members. We do so by licensing music users (such as television and radio broadcasters, live music venues, retailers, restaurants, promoters and shopping centres), through the collection of licence fees which are then distributed as royalties.

What's the difference between SAMRO and SAMPRA?

SAMPRA administers Needletime/Neighbouring Rights on behalf of recording artists and recording companies for sound recordings. SAMRO administers Performing Rights on behalf of authors, composers, and publishers of musical works. You can read more about the different collection societies here.

When was SAMRO founded?

SAMRO began operations in January 1962 with 40 South African composers and 13 music publishers, taking over from the UK royalty collecting society PRS. In June 1962, SAMRO was accepted as a member of the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC). You can find out more about our history on our About Page.

Can the public view SAMRO's financial statements?

We make our financial statements available to the public so that Music Users and Music Creators alike can have a clear picture of how we collect and distribute royalties. In this way, we are reassuring our partners that the royalties we collect are distributed to the correct members. You can find these statements on our Governance Page under "Annual reports".

How does SAMRO contribute in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility?

SAMRO promotes the sustainability of artistic communities and music. We also provide investment support for music education and assist members in their development and promotion through investment support. Read More

What are SAMRO's business hours?

SAMRO is open weekdays from 8:00-16:30

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